Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."


Empower Each Of Our Club Members To Serve From Their Hearts

     Fellow Lions of 36-R, what a great day to be a Lion serving the district and my fellow Lions. Something I heard from PID Lion Jerome Thompson was Successful People Maintain A Positive Focus In Life No Matter What Is Going On Around Them. This can be anything in life, in our Lions club or in the world. I’m not saying I’m successful but as most of you know I believe in keeping a positive attitude as I travel through this life. I believe it takes more energy and time being negative than positive. I believe that if we go out and show compassionate service to not only our communities but also to our members, putting our hearts into action, what a difference we could be making.

     We have talked so much about Mission 1.5 and membership growth. Sometimes we don’t emphasize keeping the members we have. Getting new members is so important but if we are letting our current members leave, we are defeating our purpose of growing to 1.5 million members by 2027. It’s getting close to the time clubs try and clean house and remove members they haven’t seen. Why aren’t we reaching out to them and asking what we can do or what is the reason you want to drop membership. Can we do more to hold on to our current members?  We have clubs struggling to retain their members. The question is Why?  --  Some of the causes may be the members’ interests or values are challenged; their needs are not met; misunderstanding or disagreements or not feeling respected; power or authority challenged; the club is afraid of change; are we afraid to listen to what new members have to say because we have always done things a certain way?; no dynamics to the meeting; or maybe they are not being included in projects.

     Lions it takes all of us to be successful in serving our club and community. It takes all of us to grow. I heard something a long time ago and it has stuck with me, and I use it not only in Lions but in everyday life. If I’m Talking - I’m Not Listening.

     We need to empower each of our club members to serve from their hearts. We need to communicate with our members. Most of all we need to listen to our members. Each one is a valuable part of our club and has an opinion that deserves to be heard. Let’s be positive in our clubs, let’s communicate with our members and let’s listen to what others have to say. This may just be the key to retaining our members. As PID Lion Jerome said Successful people (LIONS) maintain a positive focus in life (LIONS) no matter what is going on around them we can be successful in both retaining our members as well as serving our community. We need to be positive and do it together. Thank each of you for all you do for others, you truly do make a difference.

     Service from the Heart – DG Lion Lynn Coon, 36R

Good Things Can Happen

     As we navigate through our 2023-24 Lions year, we continue to see good things happening in District R. We just held our District 36-R convention in Springfield. (Read more about our convention on pages 12-14.  I have visited most of our clubs with only a few left to visit. Clubs continue serving their communities and making a difference. Congratulations to two of our clubs that will be celebrating 100 years of serving their communities this Lion’s year:  the Eugene Downtown Lions celebrated theirs in February and the Cottage Grove Lions will be celebrating theirs this month!

     This Lions year we have had more clubs involved with the Peace Poster contest thanks to our District Peace Poster Chair Lion TiAnne Rios. She has gone out and encouraged clubs to sponsor the contest.  We had five clubs involved which were Central, Newport, Waldport, Yachats and Cottage Grove. I want to thank those clubs that stepped up and know that next Lions year we will have even more clubs involved. 1st place for District R was Jonah from the Central Lions. 2nd place went to Scarlett from Waldport Lions and 3rd place went to Abigail from the Newport Lions.

     Great news on the $100,000 Hunger Grant we applied for from LCIF!  We have received word from LCIF that it has been approved after the LCIF Board of Trustees met in January 2024. The grant was to help build a new Food Bank in Polk County. The Ella Curren Food Bank is in Independence, Oregon. The Grant was for $100,000 with $75,000 coming from LCIF and $12,500 coming from District R Lions clubs and $12,500 coming from other resources. Any clubs still wishing to donate can still do so by making out a check and sending it to the Central Lions Club. The food bank currently serves 16 different zip codes in our District. Last year they served over 37,580 people in need, which is roughly 3,132 people a month.

     Our Service reporting is at 88%. Thank you clubs that have turned in your reports on service and thanks to our District Administrator Lion Michael Ward for your help.

     Though we have lost members we continue to ask as we move forward with Mission 1.5 membership growth. We continue working with clubs and retention. For us to grow we need to work as a team and ASK.  I read something from Tim Tebow that I believe I see from each of you Lions as we serve together as a team. I say team because that is what we are, and I know it takes all of us. I know I cannot be a good leader if I try to do it all myself. He said “ONE OF THE THINGS I LEARNED FROM SO MANY OF MY TEAMMATES IS, IF YOU DON’T GIVE IN, IF YOU DON’T QUIT, IF YOU KEEP FIGHTING, GOOD THINGS CAN HAPPEN”.  I’m looking forward to the rest of the Lions year with good things happening and accomplishing great things for our clubs, communities and our District. Each of you Lions make our District what it is today:  A strong district that cares about our communities.

We Are All Changing The World With Every Decision We Make

     Fellow Lions as we are in our eighth month of our Lions year, I thought it was a good time to reiterate International President Patti Hills Theme Changing the World.  There is an old saying – It’s the journey, not the destination.  Changing the world is a journey.  There is no middle and no end.  There is, however, a beginning.  Over my years of serving as a Lion I have found the following to be true.

(1)           Lions have Heart.

(2)           Lions are amazing people doing amazing things to help other people.

(3)           Lions are people who love service.

(4)           Lions are people who show and perform acts of kindness.

(5)           Lions love to have fun.

(6)           Lions are the best volunteers I know.

(7)           Lions change lives today and forever.

(8)           Lions make a real difference that individuals see and feel.

     Lion Patti said that with every small act of service Lions contribute one step towards change.  It’s up to each of us to simply begin.  In fact, fellow Lions, we are all changing the world with every decision we make.  I once heard this, and it stuck with me in my everyday life.  (To make a difference in someone’s life you do not have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect. You just have to care.)

     If we strive to be positive in our lives and strive to bring positive to others we are putting good into the world. We Lions have been doing our part for 106 years. Every project, every donation, every eye screening, every pair of glasses, every hearing aid, every flag for first graders, every food bank we support. We are making a difference. This is because we care.

     Last year Lions & Leos served over 539 million people through 1.5 million service activities around the world. You, my fellow Lions, were part of that because you cared.

     As we continue forward, we have great things going on in our District. Our reporting has gone up to 82%. That’s 28 of our clubs now reporting. Thank you too all. We continue working with other clubs to help with their service reporting. Thanks to our GLT Lion Fran putting together our second officer training. We had a very successful training session with dedicated Lions showing a passion for Lions and serving their clubs. Our membership isn’t where we would like it to be, but we feel if you just ASK, we can see growth this Lions year. When you read this we will have had our 36-R convention with International Director Lion JoAnne Ogden. My next article will be reporting on the convention and other great things happening in 36-R. Again, I want to thank each of the Lions of 36-R for the service you provide to your community. We make a difference. It’s because we care. DG Lion Lynn  SERVICE FROM THE HEART. I firmly believe that when we Lions serve from our hearts, we go beyond making a difference in our communities. We are in fact CHANGING THE WORLD.

DG Lion Lynn Coon 36-R


     Hello Lions! I hope you had a happy holiday season with family and friends. As we enter 2024, I encourage each Lion to maintain positivity throughout the remainder of the year.  Let's persist in our commitment to membership growth, retention, and impactful community service.  Our District is committed to supporting you in these areas.  By doing so, we not only leave an indelible mark in our communities but also uplift our fellow Lions.

     I would suggest that clubs reflect on goals they have set — Are you progressing as envisioned? Actively fostering growth and retention?  Extending your reach into communities for tangible change? For clubs without goals, it's never too late to set objectives promising success for both your club and our District.  Goals guide us, providing direction and purpose throughout the Lions year. Without them, we lack clarity.

     As the new year begins, many engage in the tradition of making resolutions. Personally, I aspire for good health, to be a better person and Lion, and to help more individuals in need.  I find inspiration in the words of past leaders who embodied values we can integrate into our Lions ethos:

·        The 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

·        The Late Lion Leader Haynes Townsend: "Kindness Matters."

·        Past Lions International President Doug Alexander: "Service From The Heart."

·        Past Lions International President Brian Sheehan: "Together We Can."

·        Our current Lions International President, Lion Dr. Patti Hill: "Changing The World."

As we reevaluate our goals, let's shape our path toward membership growth, retention, and enhanced community service using the lens of these leaders.

     Consider JFK not just as the 35th President but as a Lion. His call could be reframed as: "Ask not what my Lions and community can do for me; ask what I can do for my Lions and community through Kindness and Service from the heart because together we can Change the World."

     Recalling the wisdom of Alabama’s football coach Nick Saban: "What happened yesterday is history, What happens tomorrow is a mystery, What we do today makes a difference." Reflect, Lions. Yesterday is behind us, tomorrow is uncertain, but today holds the power to make a difference in membership, retention, and the lives we touch.

     I extend heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering dedication. Kathy and I wish you the very best for 2024. In the spirit of "Service From The Heart," remember our actions as Lions extend beyond making a difference—we are, indeed, CHANGING THE WORLD.


Dear Lions of MD36,

     As we find ourselves immersed in the holiday season, it's a time to pause and reflect on the abundance of things we hold dear. We're grateful for our families, our friends, and the communities we call home, where we proudly serve as Lions. What's even more heartening is the knowledge that each day, through our dedicated service, we have the power to make a positive impact in countless ways.

     During this season, there's a natural inclination to extend our acts of kindness and service, illuminating the lives of those around us. We reach out to those who may never have witnessed such compassion before. As Lions, we possess the ability to effect change not only during the holidays but throughout the entire year.

     I often think of the kindness and service I witness being provided from Lions as I travel our District.  I see nothing but service from the heart. This is a practice Lions do every day.  I believe when we serve with kindness we set an example for others to follow.

     Each one of you, dear Lions, should recognize the profound impact you're making in your communities and the lives of those you serve. Think of those that observe your kindness and move forward themselves to serve others. This is proof that kindness and service are contagious.

     I know Lions give selflessly.  Your unwavering service and boundless kindness are transforming lives and communities.  Let's not limit our reflections to the holiday season alone, but carry them with us throughout the year. Remember, somewhere out there, a stranger recalls your kindness when no one else was there.

     I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for all that you do. My warmest wishes go out to you and your loved ones during this season, and throughout the year. Cherish one another and hold gratitude for what you have, as well as for the ability to share with others. Always bear in mind that true service springs from the heart. I am steadfast in my belief that when Lions serve with heart, we transcend the boundaries of our communities. In essence, we are indeed changing the world.


With Kindness and Service,

DG Lion Lynn & Kathy District 36-R

As You Serve From The Heart, Remember The Impact You Are Making Each Day

     Fellow Lions, in District 36-R, remarkable growth and heartfelt service abound this year.  Clubs embrace International President Lion Dr. Patty Hills' theme: CHANGING THE WORLD.  Amidst global challenges, PID Lion Shea Nickell's words resonate: “BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD.”  Change takes time; let's contribute one project at a time.

     During my club visits, I witness Lions eager to make a difference in their communities and the world. Serving alongside them, I see a collective heartbeat for a better world, improving lives for future generations. This is the essence of being a Lion — Loving Individuals Offering Needed Service.  This is why we all became Lions in the first place.  To serve others and make a difference where we live and in the world.  This is what I see from each of you Lions of District 36-R!

     Reflect on your Lions pin, a symbol of our legacy and optimism. The gold 'L' on a purple field, flanked by Lion profiles, represents our pride in the past and confidence in the future. As you serve from the heart, remember the impact you are making each day and with each service project you work on.

     I'm proud to serve alongside each of you, grateful for your contributions to our communities and the world. SERVICE FROM THE HEART transcends local impact. Together, we're not just changing communities, but CHANGING THE WORLD."

DG Lion Lynn 36-R

“NO” Stands For “Next Opportunity.”

Dear Fellow Lions,

     As a close friend of mine often says, "It's a great day to be a Lion." As I visit clubs across our District, I’m reminded of this truth every day. Our Lions continuously perform remarkable acts of service. Being a Lion is about serving our communities and effecting positive change. Our mission, “WE SERVE,” drives us to assist in creating positive changes locally and globally, fostering fellowship among Lions, and extending a helping hand to those in need.

     While we take pride in our service, let us reflect on what it signifies to those we serve.  When I see the smile on a child's face whom we've assisted with eye screening or when we:  ensure a child's safe passage to school, aid someone with their hearing so they can once again engage in meaningful conversations, help at a food bank to provide nourishment to those facing hardships or any of the countless services we render, I am reminded that our impact is immeasurable.

     Why aren't we sharing this joy? If being a Lion brings us profound satisfaction, shouldn’t we invite others to experience it too?  Let’s actively encourage family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to join us in our mission.

     We need a change in mindset. I emphasize this because, as we diligently pursue our goal of achieving a 1.5-member growth by 2027 and fostering membership growth within our clubs and District, not everyone we approach will immediately say yes.  Remember, asking is crucial.  “NO” stands for “Next Opportunity.”  Failure is a “First Attempt In Learning.” The end of one opportunity is not the end itself; it stands for "Effort Never Dies."   We must change our mindset as we aim for membership growth.  Not everyone will say yes immediately, but persistence is key.  I joined after being asked five times.  My neighbor, Lion Paul, considered my "NO" as his "Next Opportunity" and persisted. Don’t let a “NO” deter you.  To echo the words of Confucius, "A person is not great because they haven't encountered failure; greatness lies in the ability to persist despite it."

     Fellow Lions, if we don't ask, we will never truly know. Seek that next opportunity.

     I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your wholehearted dedication to serving others. Let’s share this fulfillment by inviting others to join us. SERVICE FROM THE HEART transcends community impact; it CHANGES THE WORLD.

Yours in service,

DG Lion Lynn 36-R

Let’s Remember To Serve From The Heart

Fellow Lions of 36-R,

     It's hard to believe we are into our third month of this Lion’s year.  I'm excited as I start to make my club visits, eagerly anticipating the activities and impactful service unfolding around our District, within our clubs and in our communities.

     In 1925, Helen Keller addressed the Lions with timeless wisdom, reminding them that “THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO FOR YOURSELF IS DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE ELSE.”  The profound truth in this statement resonates deeply with the essence of our Lions’ mission.  Our commitment to service is not just a duty, but a calling.  When we extend our effort to serve others and contribute to our communities, the impact is not solely external – it transforms us from within.  Serving others as Lions uplifts us, instilling a sense of pride and heightening our sense of purpose.

     Our shared motivation for joining Lions was rooted in the desire to serve, giving rise to our motto: “WE SERVE.”  Our service journey, encompasses four fundamental phases:  LEARN, DISCOVER, ACT and CELEBRATE.  These four words are simple yet powerful because they are words of Lions service.

·       LEARN -- We learn of our communities needs as well as the world around us.

·       DISCOVER – This phase sharpens our focus and readies us for action, offering direction to those eager to contribute but uncertain about where to begin.

·       ACT – We take purposeful steps in response to identified needs.

·       CELEBRATE – This phase acknowledges the successful outcomes of our service, marking moments of achievement and fulfillment.

     Our mission is one of service, a commitment that remains tangible and measurable.  As Lions, we’re uniquely positioned to recognize the needs of others and take decisive actions that support both our communities and the world.  With love and compassion as our driving force, we generously offer our time and energy, embodying the spirit that distinguishes each one of us as Lions.  Our service is unselfish because when you serve from your heart you expect nothing in return.

     Our new International President Dr. Patty Hill’s theme this Lions year is “CHANGING THE WORLD.”  My theme this year is “SERVICE FROM THE HEART.”  We both are convinced that Lions have the power to change lives and foster transformation within our communities.  So, my fellow Lions, let’s remember to serve from the heart.  For I firmly believe when we serve from the heart we not only make a difference in our communities, WE ARE CHANGING THE WORLD.

DG Lion Lynn Coon 36-R


Dear fellow lions,

     As we begin the new Lion’s year 2023-2024, I am thrilled to once again serve as your District Governor. Together, we can achieve limitless possibilities as we work from the heart.

     Effective communication is the key to our district's growth.  Every club member's voice is important, and we must keep them connected.  Clubs should share their service projects with the district and other clubs, allowing others to offer assistance.  We joined lions to serve our communities, district, and the world, and I take pride in being part of the world's largest service organization, THE LIONS.

     Our district cabinet team is being assembled to support clubs and ensure their success. We are also planning club officer training, which is vital for new leadership and growth. This training covers club goals, servant leadership, and the new LCI portal training for secretaries.  It also addresses treasurer and board member duties, tail twister and lion tamer responsibilities, as well as the Global Action Team which consists of Global Service, Global Membership and Global Leadership.

     Every day I believe we can learn something to help us grow and to be successful at whatever we do.  It reminds me of something I read from D Waitley pertaining to learning:  Continued learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.

     In times of change, continuous learning is crucial. We must adapt, pivot, and move forward in life and as lions. We are looking for leaders who can contribute to our district's growth, so please step forward and share your talents, ideas and knowledge as we all grow together.

     As I prepare for another term as your District Governor, I realize that I still have a lot to learn and I am not perfect, but I believe we can experience perfect moments together. Let me share a story about Roy Halladay, a baseball player inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2019.  Roy passed away at 40 in a plane crash in 2017 so his widow Brandi accepted on behalf of his family.  In her speech Brandi said that despite his imperfections, he cherished perfect moments due to his character and teammates. Similarly, imperfect people can create perfect moments through hard work, humility, and dedication.

     Join me as we strive for perfect moments in service, membership growth, and leadership development. Let's make a difference in our communities. Thank you for your dedication and for changing lives today and forever through service from the heart.

Yours in service, DG Lion Lynn Coon 36-R


Greetings Lions of District 36-R,

     I am delighted to address you once again, reflecting on the incredible experiences I have had as your District Governor this year. In addition to my previous communications, I had the privilege of attending all four district conventions and a memorable multiple district convention. These events provided invaluable opportunities to connect with Lions from beyond our district, discovering their inspiring service journeys and gaining insights into their club's impactful initiatives. Furthermore, I had the pleasure of engaging with our esteemed partner organizations dedicated to serving their communities. By venturing beyond our clubs and communities, we fostered greater fellowship and expanded our collective knowledge as Lions. This, in turn, empowered us to bring more diverse service opportunities to our communities. I strongly encourage all Lions to seize such occasions to attend events outside their clubs, as I firmly believe it will be a rewarding experience for each and every one of you.

     Regrettably, a recurring theme I encountered throughout the year was the feeling of not achieving all our goals, coupled with the knowledge that the next leader may have a different vision for their term. In light of this, I invite all of us to envision a future where our club, zone, region, district, and multiple district engage in transformative conversations. Let us strive to align ourselves with our members, forging a collective vision and multi-year goals, along with comprehensive plans to attain them. Together, we can establish goals that resonate with each and every one of us. Through enhanced leadership, well-coordinated committees, and active participation of all members, we will have a profound impact on our communities, making a difference in the lives of those we serve. This sentiment echoes the wise words of Lion International President Brian when he says, "Together We Can," a sentiment shared by international presidents before him.

     Before I conclude, I would like to emphasize our Lions mission statement: "TO EMPOWER Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and wellbeing, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian service and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding." This mission, coupled with our core purpose to encourage service-minded individuals to selflessly serve their communities without expecting personal financial gain, and to promote high ethical standards across various domains, underpins our commitment to making a lasting difference.

     I extend my heartfelt gratitude for allowing me to serve you throughout this year. It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to work alongside such dedicated Lions like yourselves. As we embark on the start of summer, let us remember that by embracing the spirit of "Together We Can" and "Together We Will," we can achieve remarkable accomplishments.

With warmest regards,

DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley

Kindness Goes Farther Than You Think

     I would like to share with you this month another article that I recently read that I believe reinforces one of the reasons we all joined Lions. The article’s title was, “Kindness Goes Farther Than You Think.”  In his last paragraph, Amit Kumar says “These findings suggest that what might seem small when we are deciding whether or not to do something nice for someone else could matter a great deal to the person we do it for. Given that these warm gestures can enhance our own mood and brighten the day of another person, why not choose kindness when we can?”

     At our district cabinet meeting in February one of the discussion topics was LCIF grants that were available to us as a district.  After the cabinet meeting one club did reach out about a community project they were looking to get involved in which resulted in more research.  If we had Leo clubs in our district another grant path becomes available to our communities that mostly requires a partnership between the local Lions club and the local Leos club. Project examples include painting, cleaning, and repairing a community center; organizing a dinner for seniors; and assisting with adding a sensory garden in a local playground. As a district we would be eligible for one of these grants per year, $1500 - $5000.  Another insight this year is that Leo clubs do not have to be exclusively in our schools.  We can have community-based Leos clubs, which creates the opportunity to recruit from a larger population.

     In closing, your district leadership is working on a retreat for Saturday, June 3rd.  The theme of this retreat will be “New Voices.”  It will be an in-person retreat, at a central location that encourages participation.  As we prepared for this retreat surprising facts emerged: our district has ~700 members, ~200 of our members have been Lions for 3 years or less, and ~300 of our members are 5 years or less. There will be team building, orientation, fellowship, and we want to hear these “New Voices” and what they would propose to create a more effective district.  We propose that an effective district leads to better support for our clubs and their efforts to provide service for their communities. More details to come.  Our ask is that our new Lions consider attending and our longer serving Lions encourage them so that we can hear their “Voices.”

Happy Spring - DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Can and Together We Will


     I would like to start with the premise that we are all leaders when we were given the opportunity to serve our communities and made the choice to become a Lion. As a result of that choice, we also took on a responsibility to participate in the service activities of our club. The great thing about Lions is our motto is simply “We Serve.” Unlike many service organizations that gives us the opportunity to serve that align with our passions and we often find other Lions who share that passion and then we also benefit from the fellowship that comes with it.

     In our District this month we saw the fruits of our leaders (members) that had an opportunity present itself, a choice to be made, and then the responsibility that came with that choice to execute on it. Specifically, the Mohawk Valley Lions club had an opportunity to turn in their charter, but they made a choice to try and recruit new members into their club and continue their responsibility of service to their community. Given this opportunity our district and neighboring club leaders also made a choice to support their efforts and act on their responsibilities that came with their leadership roles. Since January eight new leaders have chosen to join the Mohawk Valley Lions and continue their clubs’ responsibility of providing service to their community. We all shared the joy of inducting seven of them at their March meeting into our Lions family.

     Organizations, of all types, require leadership roles at all levels to function most effectively. Those leadership roles are filled by those that come from within the organization. In our case we are a volunteer organization, and we are provided with additional opportunities to fill those leadership roles. Those roles, when filled, help our organization operate most effectively and ultimately enhance our member’s ability to provide/enhance the service that we all chose to provide to our communities. So, when choosing to fill a leadership role in our organization it does come with a responsibility to our family of Lions (member, club, district, multiple district, international). It is a two-way street and when we are functioning effectively all involved can benefit. What happened with the Mohawk Valley Lions club is a great example of opportunity, choice and responsibility when it all comes together.

     Happy Spring - DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Can and Together We Will

Create A New Future For Our District

Greeting Lions of District 36R

     I’d like to share with you this month several things that I have read that I believe relate directly to us as Lions.  The most recent is from Greta Thunberg’s new book.  She writes:  “To me, hope is not something that is given to you, it is something you have to earn, to create.  It cannot be gained passively, through standing by and waiting for someone else to do something.  Hope is taking action.”  The next quote/sentiment is from an article from Susan Joy Hassol that I read: “To inspire people we need to tell a story not of sacrifice and deprivation but of opportunity and improvement in our lives, our health and our well-being – a story of humans flourishing...."  That same article had a list of how to talk to people:  “Make it personal; Appeal to people’s priorities; Connect on values; Find common ground; Address the here and now; Stress the urgency of action; Show where action is working; Highlight our choice of futures.”

     The final quote, from Naomi Oreskes, I would like to leave with us:  “Conventional realism asserts that we cannot live any other way than the way we do now. The fossil-fuel industry asserts that we cannot live without its products.  But history shows that humans have lived and thrived in many different configurations. It is not unreasonable to think we could, in the future, live in a less destructive manner than we do now.  And if aspiration appears to be unrealistic, then we need to find strategies to make it real.” Ok, I’m done with the heavy stuff, but as I read the above and upon reflection it made me think about our District and how we can all come together to create a new future, no matter what anyone says if we desire it.

     We have just come off what some might say is our most successful District conference in years. I would argue that all that participated in the planning, those that played active roles delivering the program, and all those that attended made a choice to create a new future for our District. By the numbers we had over 130 individuals attend, 31 first timers, numerous prospective members, 30 clubs, an awesome International Director and his wife, 3 outside organizations, a great presentation by OLSHF, 12 raffle baskets, over 20 display tables, and a service project collecting warm socks and gloves. And if that is not enough, we started strong with a welcome from the Eugene City Mayor and a response from Eugene Downtown’s President that reminded us why we had given our precious time to attend and engage for the day.

Happy Winter - DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Can and Together We Will

Our District Leadership is Here for Our Clubs

Greeting Lions of District 36R,

     At the time of publishing, I will have finished my last three official DG Club Visits of our 32 clubs. Lion Patty and I had the opportunity to share a Christmas Dinner with our smallest club (Jefferson) and two of their community partners and a lunch with our second largest club (Eugene Downtown). While being small (5 members) the Jefferson Lions club is active in their community as are many of our smaller clubs.  Did you know District R has 16 clubs with less than 15 members.  This is not an impediment for our members to serve their communities.  I have heard too many times that if a club falls below 20 members, they can no longer be a Lions Club and that is not true, 20 members are required when starting a new Lions Club.

     Another thing I have experienced this year is that LCI is very responsive to the District Governors (DGs). For our clubs, what that means, if you need something from LCI and are not getting a response, get the DG involved. Our district leadership is here for our clubs but it is a two edged sword as our district leadership comes from our clubs. We have many open positions on the cabinet and committees that need our club leaders, seasoned or otherwise, to step up. This coming year we will also have a need to fill and replace our 8 Zone chairs as there are new term limits. I choose the perspective that this is a great opportunity to get our newer Lions involved and launch our District forward on its next period of growth and the increased service to our communities that comes with it.

     Our next district cabinet meeting is coming up on February 18th and is being hosted by one of our small clubs, Salem North East. Once again we encourage all of our members to attend, especially the club presidents and secretaries. One of the topics that we will be discussing is LCIF Grants that are available at the district level. Many of these are from $10K to $100k and require multiple clubs to be involved with some level of Lions and community match. Lion International President, Brian, has challenged us to think outside of our often-self-imposed boxes and to “Think Big When We Serve”. This is one way that LCIF helps us with that sentiment and encourages partnerships with other organizations in our communities.

Happy New Year - DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Can and Together We Will

We Can Create Capabilities

Greeting Lions of District 36R,

     As my club visits come to an end, I am looking forward to MD36 Convention season and the beginning of our focus on welcoming new leaders to our district team. Our District, 36R, starts the season out on February 4th and is quickly followed by District 36O on February 25th. The district conventions offer our members a chance to renew old friendships, create new ones, listen and engage with speakers that enlighten us, hear from our International Directors, as well as renew our commitment to Lionism.

     This month I want to highlight the Mill City Lions Club. They have an annual tradition every February called their Sweetheart Dinner. This year it will be held on February 11th and includes dinner, music, dessert auction and a basket raffle at their local high school’s gymnasium. This event brings their community together and raises between 6k-8k in support of their graduating seniors and other local charitable causes for education. What I most liked about it is the specificity of the event that is for a single purpose which enhances the donations that are made.

     I have come to believe that our District needs to create some capabilities that can benefit our current clubs, reestablish clubs where Lions are no longer present, and enlighten our members on what it means to be a Lion in our multiple district (MD).  We can create capabilities that provide expertise and assistance in conducting Community Needs Assessments, provide monthly member orientation on both the district and MD as well as Lions Club International (LCI), and provide zoom training to assist our members in the new hybrid world.  We can also have our OLSHF trustees return to speaking at our clubs as well as offering monthly orientation on the support that OLSHF provides for the communities that we serve.

     In our District and MD, we have many committees that we need volunteers to lead as well as participate. The sad reality is many of these committees are currently not effective in delivering value to our clubs and more broadly to our communities. If we as a District were to focus on the five global causes (Vision, Diabetes, Hunger, Environment, Childhood Cancer) and for us Oregon Lions, Hearing, would that be something we could find members willing to support outside of their clubs?  If you have a passion for any of these areas, please contact our District’s leadership.

Happy New Years - DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Can and Together We Will

Expanding On The Existing Relationship

Greeting Lions of District 36R,

     I have continued to focus on visiting our clubs.  At this point all my visits are scheduled and thank you to all that have made this happen.  By the middle of December, I will have visited 29 of our 32 clubs and will finish up in mid-January.  These visits continue to reinforce the many reasons that I became a Lion.  I would highly recommend individual or club visits to our district’s clubs as it can also reinforce your commitment to Lionism.

     This month I would like to call out my own club, Yachats, and the Waldport Lions club as they represent two clubs that are working together to increase service in our communities and fellowship with our members.  Lion Presidents Kevin (Yachats) and TiAnne (Waldport) are expanding on the existing relationship between our two clubs. We even had a joint meeting where each club conducted their business, shared a meal and a speaker.

     It appears that our District will not find a 1st Vice District Governor (VDG) this year and will have to appoint a PDG at the start of next year. To not have this to occur the following year, we have until the end of this year to either get a 2nd VDG or fill one of our other cabinet positions with someone willing to become the 1st VDG next year.  In life we understand that it takes a team and when you have a team, positions complement each other, and all members find that their individual role is much easier to fulfill.  We have four cabinet level positions open and a few more currently filled by PDGs who would happily step aside for someone with passion and energy.

     We just had our second district cabinet meeting and had four clubs represented that participated in the activities.  We continue to improve the format of the cabinet meeting and we did two exercises, a SWOT and needs assessment that will help us start discussions on the future direction of our District.  Our multiple district (MD) PR grant ($16.5k our district cost $375) will also become real by the end of this year when we receive our yard signs and magnetic bumper stickers.  We need an effective district and MD as grant money in Lions can only be accessed above the club level.

     Happy Holidays - DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Service     

Innovating And Reimagining Our District

     Since I last wrote I did attend the USA/Canada Leadership Forum in Calgary. Lion DG (36O) Kerith Vance and I spent time attending the seminars, learning new things, reinforcing previous habits, getting inspired, connecting with old friends, meeting new friends, spending time with our convention International Director (ID) speakers, coming back with innovative ideas, and getting an update from Lion International President, Brian Sheehan. An experience I would recommend to any member in our District.

     During September, I have been busy visiting our clubs and I am amazed at the amount of service that our members provide to their communities. The diversity of this service is quite amazing and fully represents our simple motto of “We Serve.”  If we listen to our members and recognize their service passions, there is nothing that we cannot do as Lions for our communities.  As Lions International President asks us, “Are you excited to be a Lion?!?”

     During my DG Visit to the Corvallis club, I had the honor of inducting a new member into their club.  At the end of the ceremony, I experienced a new thing that made the ceremony even more memorable for the new Lion and fun for the club.  First, they had “Buy A Roar” in which members contribute to the club’s administrative fund and they chant this: “Roar Lions! Roar Lions! Roar Lions! Bite’em, Bite’em, Bite’em, New Lion <name>.”

     As I write this, we are about to have our first district Information Seminar, hosted by the Corvallis Lions club.  This is our first attempt at a hybrid format which will allow more of our members to attend. Our topics will be on Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing (OLSHF) and Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF).  We intend to do at least one more of these sessions in the spring on the camps that we support as Oregon Lions.  If the attendance is good (demand), we will work to have additional seminars that provide more orientation/learning opportunities to our members.

     Our next district cabinet meeting, hosted by the Keizer Lions club, is coming up on November 5th. We hope to see even more clubs attending this time as we will have activities to help our district continue the journey we embarked on last year.  Innovating and reimagining our district where we will continue growth in membership and more importantly providing more service to our communities.

DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Serve

This is a Journey

At the end of August, we had our first District cabinet meeting. 12 clubs attended and five clubs sent their leaders/members. The meeting minutes have been distributed as well as our District goals. As a District we need members to step up and fill out our committees. This means chairpersons as well as members. If you have a passion, please let us know and our District will be better for it.

If you have reviewed our District goals, you will notice that over the last 20 years on average we lost 40 members and approximately one club a year. Last year was the first year since, 2009-2010 (+49) that we have had net member growth (+5). In fact, with all our efforts, our District improved all metrics over the previous year. This is a journey, we are at the beginning of it and with a lot of hard work, innovation and focus we can put our District back on the path of growth.

During my DG Visit to the Gardiner-Reedsport Club I brought them 10 new member packets. They currently have 8 new members signed up and a pathway to an additional two. When asked why their club is exploding, the response I got was they have members talking up their club wherever they go in their community, others asking their friends, neighbors and associates to join their club and inviting folks to join them at their service events. They represent one club in our District, with new/old leaders, that is finding a way to growth and expanding the service that they provide to their communities.

Your club may have received your LCIF Empowering Service collection jar, if not contact your Zone Chairperson. To meet our goal of 250,000 nickels each of our 700 members needs to collect only 357 nickels or $17.86 this year. We made it half-way to our goal last year, let’s challenge ourselves to reach our goal this year.

I now have 17 club visits scheduled with only 12 to go. I will be reaching out to get the remaining clubs scheduled and with your help should make my goal of all visits this year. I leave in a few more days to attend the annual Lions USA/Canada Forum in Calgary where I hope to connect with new Lions, visit with our convention ID speaker, meet old acquaintances, and continue to learn.

A New Challenge

Greeting Lions of District 36R,

     We started our year off right when all four District Governors and our Council Chair for 2022-2023 were able to attend the International Convention in Montreal, Canada.  It was a busy week for all, and the four incoming DGs got to know each other better as we finished up our DGE Seminar.  We also met most of our DGE Seminar classmates in our final two days of training.  We got to experience our new International President’s, enthusiasm, and energy firsthand – and boy does he have both in spades.  I am looking forward to dedicating myself to his theme, “Together We Can” and beginning our District’s Global Membership Approach (GMA) journey.

     At the District level we have been focused on getting our club leaders trained and at the time of this writing we have accomplished getting 33% (goal of 60%) of them trained.  Entering our third and final phase for training this year, the self-training, I feel that our goal is within reach.  We have also been working at the MD36 level to secure a PR Grant for $15k from LCIF, that all four districts are participating in, and will be focused on yard-signs, car magnet stickers, and coffee cup sleeves.  This will allow us to advertise Lions in our communities with the intention of gaining new members and awareness of our great organization.

     PDG Steve Moser, our LCIF Coordinator, is also back this year and has a new challenge for us to collect 250,000 nickels starting in August and going through October. We can bring 15% of those funds back to our District to fund local projects in our District.  Last year’s million pennies raised ~$5,000 dollars and with other “Empowering Service” donations we will have ~$1,500 and per Lion PDG Lynn’s wishes this money will be donated to Heartfelt House in Eugene.  This year we will be polling our members to see where we will donate the money for next year.

     I have visited two clubs to date and am working on getting my other visits set up with the goal of accomplishing most of the visits by early October.  So far, I have enjoyed meeting our fellow Lions and am impressed with the service that our clubs do as well as the variety based on their community’s needs.  I look forward to visiting each of our clubs, meeting fellow Lions, experiencing the incredible fellowship, and learning how I can serve our District this year.

DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Serve

Practicing Servant Leadership

     I am excited to begin my year of service, 2022-2023, as your District Governor. While I do not know many of our clubs in our district, I intend to work diligently to get my initial club visits done in Q1 (Jul-Sep) and then will follow up with additional visits later in the year. I want to listen and learn from each of the clubs about the great service that you do in your communities. Our district cabinet is here to serve all our members and please feel free to reach out to any of us whenever there is a need.

     Our International President, Brian E. Sheehan, has the motto of “Together We Can” which is so simple, so fundamental, and so true. He has asked the incoming District Governors to further enhance the Global Membership Approach (GMA) in each of our districts. It focuses on the 3Rs: Rejuvenating districts with new clubs; Revitalizing clubs with new members; and Re-motivating existing members with fellowship and exciting service. It relies on goals and action plans, accountability, focus areas made up from club members while utilizing the well-established processes of LCI.

     There are six goals for our district this year and each goal has an action plan (steps, responsibility, resources, and dates) behind it, and we will review and modify them as needed to meet our shared district goals. At the heart of these goals is service and fellowship. As Lions we have the simple motto of “We Serve.”

     This is the first year we have offered membership and service chairperson training. Both positions really support the success of your club, assist your club secretary in their duties, and ensure that you are providing service that is relevant to your members and communities. We added a district administrator in 2021-2022 and clubs can add an administrator too that helps with both your president and secretary tasks.

     Practicing Servant Leadership, I look forward to serving you this coming year. I’m excited about a full year of service and fellowship, getting to listen and learn about each club in our district, and ensuring that the district is here to add value to our clubs.

DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley – Together We Serve

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925