Lions Clubs of Multiple District 36, Oregon and Northern California

We Serve

Lions of Oregon & Northern California are a part of an international network of 1.4 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Lions are best known for working to end preventable blindness, the giving of eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy and local service projects.


Mission Statement of Lions Clubs International:


"To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."



Greetings Lions of District 36-R,

     I am delighted to address you once again, reflecting on the incredible experiences I have had as your District Governor this year. In addition to my previous communications, I had the privilege of attending all four district conventions and a memorable multiple district convention. These events provided invaluable opportunities to connect with Lions from beyond our district, discovering their inspiring service journeys and gaining insights into their club's impactful initiatives. Furthermore, I had the pleasure of engaging with our esteemed partner organizations dedicated to serving their communities. By venturing beyond our clubs and communities, we fostered greater fellowship and expanded our collective knowledge as Lions. This, in turn, empowered us to bring more diverse service opportunities to our communities. I strongly encourage all Lions to seize such occasions to attend events outside their clubs, as I firmly believe it will be a rewarding experience for each and every one of you.

     Regrettably, a recurring theme I encountered throughout the year was the feeling of not achieving all our goals, coupled with the knowledge that the next leader may have a different vision for their term. In light of this, I invite all of us to envision a future where our club, zone, region, district, and multiple district engage in transformative conversations. Let us strive to align ourselves with our members, forging a collective vision and multi-year goals, along with comprehensive plans to attain them. Together, we can establish goals that resonate with each and every one of us. Through enhanced leadership, well-coordinated committees, and active participation of all members, we will have a profound impact on our communities, making a difference in the lives of those we serve. This sentiment echoes the wise words of Lion International President Brian when he says, "Together We Can," a sentiment shared by international presidents before him.

     Before I conclude, I would like to emphasize our Lions mission statement: "TO EMPOWER Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and wellbeing, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian service and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding." This mission, coupled with our core purpose to encourage service-minded individuals to selflessly serve their communities without expecting personal financial gain, and to promote high ethical standards across various domains, underpins our commitment to making a lasting difference.

     I extend my heartfelt gratitude for allowing me to serve you throughout this year. It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to work alongside such dedicated Lions like yourselves. As we embark on the start of summer, let us remember that by embracing the spirit of "Together We Can" and "Together We Will," we can achieve remarkable accomplishments.

With warmest regards,

DG 36R Lion David O’Kelley

Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
— Helen Keller's Speech at 1925 International Convention Cedar Point, Ohio, USA June 30, 1925